

Stranger #3
Denver, Colorado

There's nothing quite like sleeping in a bookstore. Or library.

When I was between places to sleep in Oregon, I would open at Starbucks (0430-1300) and then hit the library to "study." Which means I would open my microbiology book on my lap and settle in for a delectable nap. The homeless men always got to the good spots first, sadly. :(




Stranger #2
Denver, Colorado

Things I learned on my first stranger-shooting jaunt:

-I'm an incredible wuss.
-People REALLY know when a camera is pointed at them.
-I can run faster than expected on my bum ankle.


stranger danger

Photo Project #2: 50 Strangers.

I'm slightly panicked. Don't worry about it.
I'll post photos of these people the day I shoot them, if they don't shoot ME before I can get to a computer.


Stranger #1:

Portland, Oregon.
Nice Chucks.



"as we cease to know
where our feet will go..."